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i look for the pleasure of being known with no fear. its scary, because i am asking them too. its scary

if isolation was a feeling:

if fever dreams where textured

if running was a montage

if disagreements where visualised

press untill its disintergrated

to imagine how it stretches in front, filling in the gaps pushed out by heartbreak

the thing that conneects all of my inspirations is the bouncy cliffedge of it (jjba).


its a diary of possession nd obsession, a collectors room. a travellers suitcase. an estate sale. - what would i find there?.

bad language?


what thoughts consume my head, the ones where journaling isnt enough? it's often the ones abt me.

i love dancing at parties bc it is the only private moment i can find

stub a toe and the nail is bruised, the next week it falls off

idk just the noticing mechanics, noticing how it melts when you latch on. noticing nonsese, and leaving it at nonsnse

"Mother! Look!:"